earth's Answer
A Company with ethical values that injects
integrity into the brand on numerous levels

earth's Answer is the only Company that makes HIGH-Grade bi-seasonal Organic Vegan skincare -
Your skin has different Hydration & nutrition requirements throughout the year.
What does this mean for You?
Fantastic Hydrated- firm Flawless skin -
smooth refined pores-
perfectly balanced skin anybody any Age.
Founded in the year 2000
Earth's Answer was officially founded/registered in 2000 significantly at a time of great change upon our planet.
My dear friend Greg registered the name and supported me in the early years until his passing in 2003 from cancer.
It is the soft voice and encouraging words that have carried me through some very tough times,
Having suffered severe injuries throughout my life,.using the recovery time to do even more research and development
"I love formulating and seeing the AWESOME results our clients always get Naturally & I LOVE our planet and its Animals more that's why Earth's Answer was Born to find a Way to bring earth's gift to people and generate income to then give back to the earth it must be a synergy in all things,
I've devoted my life to Animal rescue -rehabilitation and planet preservation now going through over 30 years of research & Development in Body & Dermal Regeneration and Rejuvenation in the beauty Health industry.
Marie Jane a leader and visionary an Alchemist in formulating "BIOPrograms " for cellular repair & regeneration had been developing natural products for all beings -already over 40 years " I have always since a child been mixing formulating encouraged by a family who was always into organic alternatives.
Even as a young child Marie Jane was experimenting with mud, and clay - "we would go to the beach, for instance, my sisters would be doing handstands on the sand - but if I would be off in the mangroves testing the mud and clays on my legs see how each one reacted on my skin at I was always making extracts from fruits .plants, etc."
I sold my first cream when I was 8 years old - it was a Cucumber and papaya foot creme and yes it worked!"
More and more people wanted my skincare & seeing the results on so many people with different problems went from a part-time passion to a full time.
Dedicated to bringing premium Ethical skin and body products to market - from where they are sourced to how they are formulated -
the type of packaging and where that ends ups.
Something that is never compromised is quality and integrity.
Our quality contracted Manufacturers have the highest certifications.

Earth’s Answer® products are easy to use and yield
immediate results. Suitable for all skin types,
Earth’s Answer formulation has significantly more active
organic ingredients than any of its competitors.
The highly active skincare has been reported by consumers
to reduce scarring, eliminate fine lines, and assist various
skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, bruising,
inflammation burns and pigmentation as well as
anti-aging properties.
The advancements in our products have continued to make breakthrough formulas gaining global recognition from leaders in the medical and wellness sectors.
The advanced Earth’s Answer® formulation is bottled
in pharmaceutical-grade amber glass to protect the
active ingredients and the planet -
WE were the first and only skincare company to offer a return of the jars which we clean - then use to make 100% SOY CANDLES
to raise money for animal & planet preservation.

Capture Your Beauty Naturally
Advanced formulations using ancient secret activation processes
- releasing the molecular life force of selected plant botanicals,
minerals & vitamins
resulting in deepest skin renewal