Molecular Oxygen O2 Energy
Body Tonic is the ultimate high quality only pure Molecular Liquid Oxygen O2
10%(100,000ppm)increased oxygen Levels = More Energy - Mental Clarity
The more oxygen, the more energy. Liquid Oxygen is a blend of activated, stabilized oxygen, which research shows may help to SUPERCHARGE YOUR OXYGEN and energy levels.
Instantly "Bio-Available Energy" + 84 essential trace elements.,Isotopes electrolytes are required by your body, The added oxygen has been shown to provide health benefits, including aiding exercise recovery, flushing toxins out of the body, and improving alcohol metabolism.
For General Health & Vitality to Professional Athletes
Molecular oxygen (O2) is a diatomic molecule that is composed of two oxygen atoms held together by a covalent bond. Molecular oxygen is essential for life, as it is used for respiration by many organisms.